
Benefits of Kybella® Injections

One of the most common complaints people have as they get older or put on weight is that they develop stubborn fat deposits under their chin. This condition, known medically as “submental fullness”, is commonly known as a double chin. Even after a person loses a significant amount of weight,

Varicose veins

What Are Varicose Veins and How Can They Be Treated?

 Varicose veins occur when the veins that are under the skin become bulging, widened and twisted. They are most common in women and older people and are not usually a serious medical problem. The legs have two main systems of veins that carry blood to the heart. The deep veins


Am I a Good Candidate for BOTOX®?

Many individuals out there who are dealing with the telltale signs of aging are interested in BOTOX® cosmetic treatments. They have heard that this is a miracle drug that drastically reduces the signs of aging, including crow’s feet and wrinkles that occur at the corners of the mouth. BOTOX® has

UVB therapy

Treating Psoriasis with UVB Therapy

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder affecting the skin. It causes skin cells to multiply up to ten times faster than normal. Since the body can’t get rid of skin cells at that rate, the cells pile up. There are five types of psoriasis, and the symptoms vary depending on the

cosmetic dermatology

Medical vs Cosmetic Dermatology: What are the Differences?

It is safe to say that the world of dermatology is divided into two separate camps. On the one side, there are cosmetic dermatologists. These individuals use BOTOX® injections and other services to cater to the needs of patients looking to maintain their youthful appearance and remove the signs of

Laser hair reduction

Get Smooth Legs for Summer with Laser Hair Reduction

With spring right around the corner, you may not be looking forward to resuming your usual ritual of shaving, waxing, sugaring or sanding to remove leg hair. It’s time-consuming, expensive and can also be painful. If you’re ready to have your leg hair removed once and for all, laser hair

Blue light therapy

Blue Light Therapy for Acne Treatment

Blue light therapy for the treatment of acne is an increasingly sought-after procedure. It used to be that people were advised to spend time in the sun in order to dry out their acne. This advice was on-target as blue light is quite effective in killing the bacteria that causes

home skin check

At Home Skin Check: What Do I Need to Know?

When it comes to skin cancer, early detection is one of the most important factors for long-term survival. If found before it spreads, also called metastasizing, many skin cancers can be excised with no further treatments necessary. You should see a doctor at least once a year for a full-body


Psoriasis vs Eczema: What are the Differences?

Both psoriasis and eczema are chronic skin conditions that cause rashes. Both are also believed to be caused by malfunctions within the immune system. Researchers don’t fully understand what causes the problem that leads to eczema, but they do know that psoriasis is caused by the white blood cells attacking


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