If you are sick and tired of your tattoo, you are not alone. It has actually been estimated that at least 50 percent of individuals who get a tattoo come to eventually regret it. The ironic thing about getting a tattoo is that most people like the idea of it being something permanent. Then they have a change in circumstance, and all of a sudden they regret the tattoo they at once felt so strongly about getting. Thanks to laser tattoo removal, tattoo regret can be a thing of the past. You can visit our clinic in order to have a consultation with one of our medical professionals. They will closely examine your tattoo and then tell you what options are available to you. They will ask you about your health and how long you have had the tattoo and then give you an idea of how long it may take for the tattoo to be removed.

One of the things that you should know about laser tattoo removal is that the removal process is not something that is instantaneous. You will not come in for one treatment and then walk away without the tattoo. It may actually take several months for you to completely say goodbye to your unwanted tattoo.

There are several different things that are going to determine how many laser tattoo removal sessions you will need in order to get rid of an unwanted tattoo. For example, the age of the tattoo can determine how long it takes to get rid of it. Something else is the color of the tattoo. The location of the tattoo may also play a role in how fast it can be removed.

One of the things that stops a person from coming into our clinic for this treatment is their fear. They may worry that they are going to experience a lot of discomfort during the removal process. However, we make sure to do everything we can to make your treatments comfortable.

No matter why you have tattoo regret, the team at Rao Dermatology can help. We can help you make an unwanted tattoo disappear forever. The very first step in heading down this road is coming in for a consultation with one of our medical professionals. We have offices in Hanford, Fresno, Woodbridge, Atlantic Highlands and Manhattan. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for laser tattoo removal!

Manhattan, NY

Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Woodbridge, NJ

Fresno, CA

Hanford, CA

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