Many individuals out there who are dealing with the telltale signs of aging are interested in BOTOX® cosmetic treatments. They have heard that this is a miracle drug that drastically reduces the signs of aging, including crow’s feet and wrinkles that occur at the corners of the mouth.
BOTOX® has been approved by the FDA for more than 20 years to treat lines and wrinkles and for a variety of medical uses. The question is, am I a good candidate for BOTOX®?
The Best BOTOX® Candidates
One of the great things about BOTOX® is that it can be used in many different circumstances and for a wide variety of people. There are very few things that disqualify an individual from being a good candidate.
The very first requirement is that a person would have wrinkles that can be treated with BOTOX®. During a consultation with us at Rao Dermatology, we will be able to look at the kind of wrinkles you have to make sure that BOTOX® would help.
BOTOX® works best when treating dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles occur when the skin on top of facial muscles creases when the muscles contract. When a person is not smiling, scowling, or making some other kind of expression, the wrinkle is still there. It is common for individuals to have dynamic wrinkles between their brows.
The treatment is also effective in treating wrinkles that are the result of environmental factors and stress. These things usually cause a person to make certain expressions and then wrinkles form.
For example, if a person spends a lot of time in the sun without sunglasses, they will squint their eyes. This can cause crow’s feet. BOTOX® is effective in treating this problem.
An individual needs to be in relatively good health. If they are dealing with a skin infection in the area where BOTOX® will be administered, we will likely administer it at a later time. Something else that is important is for a person to have a realistic idea of what the treatment will do for them.
One reason it’s a popular treatment is because it is noninvasive. The injections are quickly made and then a person can resume normal activities.
The most common side effect is slight bruising near the injection site. However, this usually clears up in just a couple of days, and the full results of the treatment can be seen.
To schedule your appointment, contact Rao Dermatology today. We proudly serve the Manhattan, Brooklyn, Jersey City, New York, and Union City areas.